Management API

Base Resource URL:[merchant-code]/leads


Represents sales leads, associated with the merchant.

UniSell only

Supported Actions:

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  Lead      
Consumes:  json, xml  Produces:  json, xml 
Creates a new lead.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 lead Lead Yes Creates new lead.

Represents lead object.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  Lead      
Consumes:  not applicable  Produces:  not applicable 
Finds leads, associated with the given merchant.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 offset Integer No 0 Index of the first record returned to the customer from the search result of a web search.
02 limit Integer No 100 Maximum number of records to load per single search web call made by the customer.
03 merchantCode String Yes
04 createDateFrom DateRange No Query parameter to search leads by their provider creation date. All merchants created within the date range defined will be included.

Represents a date range with lower and upper limits. Range can include only lower or only upper limit.
05 createDateTo DateRange No Query parameter to search leads by their provider creation date. All merchants created within the date range defined will be included.

Represents a date range with lower and upper limits. Range can include only lower or only upper limit.
06 firstName String No Query parameter to search merchants by first name (soundex on first name is supported as well).
07 lastName String No Query parameter to search merchants by last name (soundex on last name is supported as well)
08 cellPhone String No Query parameter to search merchants by cell phone number.
09 email String No Query parameter to search merchants by email.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  No       Returns:  Lead      
Consumes:  not applicable  Produces:  not applicable 
Loads leads, associated with the given merchant.

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  Lead      
Consumes:  not applicable  Produces:  not applicable 
Modifies a selected lead.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 lead Lead Yes Updated profile information.

Represents lead object.